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Awenke Yacht Club
About the Awenke Yacht Club
The Awenke Yacht club, housed at Shady Harbor Marina is a member of the Mohawk Hudson Council of Yacht Clubs. The club aims to promote courtesy, safety, and fun among the seasonal dockers at Shady Harbor Marina and other member clubs.
About the Mohawk-Husdon Council of Yacht Clubs
There are 20 Member Clubs within the boundaries located from the north side of the Mid-Hudson Bridge (near Poughkeepsie) to one mile north of lock four on the Champlain Canal and to lock eight in the Mohawk River to the west. The main purpose of the Council is to promote courtesy and safety on the water and goodwill among our member clubs.
Strength in Numbers
Our member clubs send representatives to bimonthly general membership meetings that are held at the various clubs; the Board meets in the alternate months. These meetings have been host to a variety of guest speakers over the years including representatives of the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the Commissioner of the DEC, the President of the Lower-Mohawk Council, the Hudson River Fisherman’s Association, Riverkeeper and more.
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Phone: 518-756-8001
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70 Shady Harbor Drive, New Baltimore, NY 12124